OSE-HP-01 OSID high-power emitters are battery-powered and interact with an OSID imager to provide early warning smoke detection. OSID is an innovation in projected beam smoke detection technology. By using advanced dual wavelength projected beams and optical imaging technology for early warning smoke detection, OSID provides a low-cost, reliable, and easy-to-install solution that overcomes typical beam detection issues such as false alarm incidents and alignment difficulties. The OSID system measures the level of smoke entering beams of light projected over an area of protection. A single OSID imager can detect up to seven emitters to provide a wide coverage area. The OSID system consists of up to seven emitters for the 45 and 90° imager units, located along the perimeter of the protected area, and an imager mounted opposite. Each component can be mounted directly to the surface or can be secured with the supplied mounting brackets. Battery-powered emitters with three or five years battery life reduce installation time and cost.